Friday, December 28, 2012

Post-Holiday Frustrations

Holidays are often a time of great enjoyment with friends and family. There's usually a lot of time spent together and food is generally involved. It is so hard to find a balance in which food doesn't play a major role in entertainment.....

I am still struggling to find my mojo with a balance between and working out. I can do a decent job with everything until I get home from work and I am just so tired, the last thing I want to do is work out. When it comes to food I eat a good dinner generally....and then I snack like no other. It's not like I'm hungry or anything.... I just eat.

J-dawg seems to think that once the new year hits I'll take this thing serious..... I hope he's right. I've never had to lose weight for something before...and if I want to fit into my dress I will need to start getting serious soon.

Does anyone have any tips? Anyone been in this kind of situation before?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A New Beginning

This is the start of a new beginning. A new year. A new blog. A new life. I don't know if anyone will ever read what I write, but I love to blog, and I hope this will help. It's always easier to put your words down on paper, or in this case, online. I feel like this is a way to sift through thoughts and emotions. Maybe this way I can help other people feel like they have something to relate to.

I am a bride-to-be and I couldn't be more thrilled. I really wish it was May already, so I could marry the man I am so excited to someday call my husband. Until then however, I have some work to do. In college I used to play soccer and run. I love running. Absolutely love it. But, after a serious knee surgery in February, I have been unable to run. That, in addition to graduating college, getting a full-time engineering job, and wedding planning, I have found myself with little time nor motivation to eat healthy and workout. Thanks to a little bet that J-dawg and I have made, I have to start working out and losing weight, otherwise, I'll lose. I don't like to lose. :)

So this blog I hope will provide motivation for me to eat healthy, get back into exercising, and slim down enough that I won't have to worry about my wedding dress being too tight. :) I am so excited to start the new year and be able to focus on all of these things without the temptation of so much food. I have couple days worth of family get-togethers ahead, but after that I plan to start my routine and see if I can't kick my fiance's butt in this competition.